Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Lovecraftian Symbolism in the Stained Glass Windows of Stone Row at Bard College

The first thing we need to establish is that this is based on viewing North Hoffman at, so as to have the windows lit by in the side lights quite clearly.

Now, I want you to also keep in mind that Yog-Sothoth is the Gate, the Watcher and the Key of the Way.

And you should note that the general color of the stained glass is a sickly green color akin to a quite lively ocean.

(Unfortunately I don't have photographic proof of this off hand, but, as I soon as I can get my hands on a worthwhile camera, I will upload pictures in the future.)

We should begin by looking at the the stain glass window of the second floor, the first one above the door. Staring at the window from below, the two crescents in the corners are wings and, then, the center of the circle with six circles setting on its edge, has the split oval which is a beak. Now, the question is what the six circles represent. If they are tentacles reaching straight out, we should think that this is an image of Cthulhu. But, since that is a fairly strenous thing for tentacles to do (stand at attention), I think it is fair to assume that those are six eyes around a beak with a pair of wings, or maybe two eyes. I think we can be fair in assuming that this is the physical manifestation of Yog-Sothoth, that this is the Watcher, the Lurker at the Threshold. It's primary color is the aquatic green light which is played against by the blue of the eyes and the orange of the beak.

Next, we have third floor stained glass window, second above the door, to look at. It could be a book, but it actually looks a pair of red outlined with red knocker Gates. And, hello, I did say something about Yog-Sothoth being the gate, since Yog-Sothoth is all and Yog-Sothoth, therefore, knows all of what Yog-Sothoth is.

But what is the key? I think we should be fair to assume that the first floor is the door and the Key. And what is there as symbol waiting for its aesthetics to be charged with meaning? The name of the dorm: Hoffman.

And we come to a full circle. The Way is opened through alchemical operations of the mind.

Sally forth Bard and know that you are dark vitally loved. I will sleepy easy knowing this... so long as I don't get a complaint about playing Yog-Sothoth's "Hypnotic Crushery" right now.

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